Source: Geeks are Sexy/ASAPScience
Saturday, September 21, 2013
I no longer trust my eyes...
Darn, I just realised everything I see is not potentially what it is!
Source: Geeks are Sexy/ASAPScience
Source: Geeks are Sexy/ASAPScience
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Apocalypse throgh LG HDTV
This is really funny, if it's real. Even if it isn't, it's still really good fun to imagine and watch. Not a big fan of promoting such commercials, but if it's well made, I guess it's OK. The premise is simple: replace a window with an HDTV. Bring some gullible people in for an interview and play an asteroid apocalypse on the screen and see how the people react.
Source: Geeks are Sexy/MundoLGChile
Source: Geeks are Sexy/MundoLGChile
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Honest Trailer: Iron Man 3
Honest Trailer goes after Iron Man 3, the biggest hit of the year. It's a bit annoying actually because I went in and just switched my brain off and enjoyed the movie. But then Screen Junkies brought a sense of reality back... Pity. Not such a big fan of the movie any more, thanks!
Source: Screen Junkies
Source: Screen Junkies
Friday, September 13, 2013
Bit of inspiration for Friday 13th
Came across this really inspiring comic adaptation of a speech by Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes creator) in 1990. Hope it inspired you as much as it did me!
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Zen Pencils
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Zen Pencils
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Must watch! Mirror's Edge parkour
This POV Mirror's Edge parkour is simply incredible. I normally can't really care for parkour, but this is definitely worth a watch!
Source: Ampisound/Geeks are Sexy
Source: Ampisound/Geeks are Sexy
Monday, September 9, 2013
Ben Affleck, you have been warned!
Batman has issued a message to the upcoming Batman-Superman movie which (sadly) cast Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman (sorry for the spoiler, if it ever still is one).
Affleck, you've been warned!
Source: Geek Tyrant
Affleck, you've been warned!
Source: Geek Tyrant
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Flying isn't so great... Naaaaaaah!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
All hail the Geek Bible!
Are you a geek? See how you score and if you know enough of these Top 50 geeky facts! (Click to view full image)
Source: Geeks are Sexy (duh!)
Source: Geeks are Sexy (duh!)
Monday, September 2, 2013
Miley the new Batman..?!
It's been a busy week with the internet coming out - rightly so - in force to voice our discontent with the casting of Affleck as the new Batman in the upcoming Batman-Superman mashup. On the other side, we have Miley Cyrus'... um... performance at the MTV VMA. No wonder it's a bit confusing, not to mention totally irrelevant.
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Benz runs down Adolf
Clearly, Daimler is furious about this, but it doesn't mean this student ad project is bad. Actually, it's really clever although it does touch on some quite taboo themes. This ad was produced by students of the Ludwigsburg Film Academy.
Daimler response:
Daimler response:
"We believe it is entirely inappropriate to use the death of a person/child or contents related to National Socialism in an advertising spot, even though it is a fictitious spot."Source: CarAdvice / Darren Heath
Friday, August 30, 2013
Press Release Do's and Don'ts
Here's a handy guide for writing press releases. Click to enlarge.

Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Ultimate Endurance Race
Toyota recently released a short film looking back at their Le Mans 2013 where the team came second and fourth. Enjoy!
Source: Toyota Europe
Source: Toyota Europe
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Master returns for Star Wars VII!
Have you heard yet? John Williams is coming back to score the soundtrack of the upcoming, Disney produced, J. J. Abrams directed, and as yet untitled Star Wars VII. The legend scored all six previous movies along with some of cinema history's most iconic soundtracks (Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones to name a few more). That's a really good start!
Source: Geeks are Sexy/starwars
Source: Geeks are Sexy/starwars
Sunday, August 18, 2013
16-bit Iron Man 3
Who needs super CGI and amazing 3D when you can go 16-bit? So much better! Even listening to Eiffel 65's "Blue" in retro midi synth is awesome in the opening of this clip!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Spammers Alert! You're warned!
Comforting thought to imagine that there's a level of hell designed for those really annoying people known as spammers. 56k is too good for them...
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Unearthed Comics
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Unearthed Comics
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Mario goes retro modern
Earlier this week, we had a look at some popular sayings adapted for the current decade. Now let's have a look at Mario, retro yet modern and much more gruesome than before. These videos are really awesome!
Source: Deloix
Source: Deloix
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Dark Knight vs. Man of Steel
Love this HISHE video with Batman and Superman debating the title of their upcoming new movie slated to feature the two DC stars.
Source: HISHEdotcom
Source: HISHEdotcom
Sunday, August 4, 2013
BBC blunders
Tonight, Top Gear concluded their final episode of the series (darn) with a wonderful tribute to British motoring. It was a dignified, uplifting, Elgar-esque (Nimrod-themed) affair. Even though one knows Top Gear is pro-British (for a rather international programme, watched by 300+ million around the world), one has to marvel at what Britain has to offer.
Oddly, directly after the emotional tribute, the BBC decides to air a show about the might of the German automotive industry and how it overtook the one in Britain. That's ridiculously contradictory... The programming director was either trying to be very even footed (as is the rule for BBC), or just plain mad. I'm leaning towards the latter...
Clarkson has come straight on to Twitter to share his displeasure:
Image source: BBC Top Gear/Sniff Petrol
![]() |
Best of British motoring lined up in front of Buckingham Palace |
Clarkson has come straight on to Twitter to share his displeasure:
I am properly cross with BBC2. What on earth were they thinking of?
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) August 4, 2013
We try our hardest to show British manufacturing and engineering is still astonishing. And then along comes BBC2...What a shame...
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) August 4, 2013
Image source: BBC Top Gear/Sniff Petrol
Saturday, August 3, 2013
McDonald's cheeseburger "most nutritious"
A New York Post columnist has said McDonald's double cheeseburger is "the cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history." I'm liking this!
Source: BBC News
Source: BBC News
Thursday, August 1, 2013
8-bit G.I. Joe Retaliation
This is better than the actual movie...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Earth, the little blue dot
NASA captured this amazing image of our blue planet from Saturn with its Cassini spacecraft.
In this rare image taken on July 19, 2013, the wide-angle camera on NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured Saturn's rings and our planet Earth and its moon in the same frame. It is only one footprint in a mosaic of 33 footprints covering the entire Saturn ring system (including Saturn itself). At each footprint, images were taken in different spectral filters for a total of 323 images: some were taken for scientific purposes and some to produce a natural colour mosaic. This is the only wide-angle footprint that has the Earth-moon system in it.Source: NASA
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Hard drive from 30 years ago
Well, the busy first half of the year is over. It's about time to return to blogging. First up, spotted this really interesting pic on Geeks are Sexy comparing computer storage over the past three decades. Wow!
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Riker from TNG sits funny
Why does Commander Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation do this? And where's the blooper reel of him smacking his dangly bits on a slightly higher chair?
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Friday, May 17, 2013
Mean Tweets
We've all done this. I mean, I haven't, of course, but most people have... If you have a Twitter account, there's a good chance you've mentioned some celebrity in a Tweet and was pretty mean about them. Jimmy Kimmel got celebs to read out some nasty tweets about them. Really good stuff. Featuring: Bieb, Gomez, Biel, Alba, Ferrel, Borat, etc.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
French police got kicking skills
Violence erupted after Paris Saint-Germain won the French football league title after 19 years. According to BBC News: "it took 800 police several hours to bring the situation under control." I was sent a video clip of how the police went about getting it under control. If this is anything to go by, French Police got skills!
Source: video
Source: video
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Newt = Git
Here's a sure fire way to get your YouTube video to instantly become the most watched thing in history. Take one really, really stupid American politician. Make him ask one of history's dumbest questions to camera: "Why do we call it a cell phone if phones today can do so many more things than calling?"
I really don't want to help promote this idiot's blabberings but this really is something you have to see to believe...
I really don't want to help promote this idiot's blabberings but this really is something you have to see to believe...
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Office Printer
This is the only manual you'll need for any office environment: The Share Office Printer Manual! Print it out and keep it near you at all times.
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Star Trek (2009): JJ's Star Wars VII audition
Honest Trailers does it again! Look... I loved Star Trek (2009) - which means I can't wait for Into Darkness - but this trailer is pretty spock on. Damn, I mean "spot" on.
Source: screenjunkies
Source: screenjunkies
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Make your choice, Mario
Well, well, well... We've come to this. Mario will have to choose between Pauline and Princess Peach from the clutches of Donkey Kong and Bowser.
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Monday, April 22, 2013
The life of a Social Media Community Manager
It's a tough old life it is... Let's take our hats (figuratively) to the awesome job Community Managers do in the world of Social Media. (Yes, I thank you!)
Click to view larger version
Click to view larger version
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Fire rainbow in Paris (amazing photo)
Spotted this amazing photo of a "fire rainbow" in Paris. It appears to be a horizontal rainbow just next to the iconic Eiffel Tower. Although, technically, it's not supposed to be called a "fire rainbow" because, according to Wikipedia, this "circumhorizontal arc" is neither a rainbow nor anything to do with fire. Duh...!
Source: ettoday
Source: ettoday
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Bottle rockets with 100 wM Krypton laser
I've promised myself never to buy one of these Wicked Lasers because I know I'll get up to no good with them. Nevertheless, YouTube is there to help and you can live the "no good" living through others having a great time. That's it! I'm going to order my own now. It's called "Krypton" after all!
Source: WorldScott
Source: WorldScott
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Apple is so predictable a cider company can do it
I wonder how long before Apple wises up and demands for this ad to be pulled and the YouTube video taken off line. In the meantime, here's how Somersby Cider company is taking a real piss (incidentally that's what I think of ciders) out of Apple.
Source: SomersbyCiderUK/Geeks are Sexy
Source: SomersbyCiderUK/Geeks are Sexy
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Hobbit's all wrong, in 4 minutes
Frankly, I'm a fan of Peter Jackson's latest cinematic work. After watching this video highlighting everything that's wrong with The Hobbit... Well, I'm still a fan. But, this video is hilarious. Do yourself a favour and watch the others too. It's a darn good laugh!
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Cinema Sins
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Cinema Sins
Friday, April 12, 2013
Captain Kirk vs. Gorn - The Rematch
Last month, the universe's greatest starship captain, William Shatner, turned 82. To promote the upcoming, and dare I say rather ugly looking Star Trek game, Bill took on an equally aged Gorn in a rematch. It's a pretty good laugh especially if you're a Star Trek fan. Seriously, the game scenes look really crap. I hope the upcoming movie won't resemble the game in any way...
Source: NamcoBandaiGames/Geeks are Sexy
Source: NamcoBandaiGames/Geeks are Sexy
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Is that you Lara Croft?
Can't believe it's the same person from the earliest iteration of Ms Croft in 1996 (Good Lord... has it been that long since the first game?) through to what seems to be one of those very popular things to do these days, a reboot, for 2013.
Source: reddit/Geeks are Sexy
Source: reddit/Geeks are Sexy
Monday, April 8, 2013
TOYOTA Racing previews 2013 FIA WEC season
The FIA World Endurance Championship season opening 6 Hours of Silverstone is just days away now. TOYOTA Racing launched their season preview video. The video looks back at the team's return to Le Mans after over a decade away, and the eventual successes, winning 3 of 6 races entered. Enjoy!
Source: Toyota Europe
Source: Toyota Europe
Work life balance in 2013
For some reason, I think this fairly accurately describes a heck of a lot of people these days. I'd say thanks to Mr Jobs but then I remember whenever my glass covered iPhone or iPad smashes into my face when I nod off... Hoping for the day when I won't have a broken nose every time I fall asleep reading boring rubbish online.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Amazing exploding droplets of glass. Yes, glass
Wow, I saw this on Gizmodo and was entranced. The physics behind this is quite incredible too. First you have to make a Prince Rupert's drop by dunking molten glass into cold water. Once you have the drop, you can start having all sorts of fun, especially with 100,000 fps super slow motion cameras. Just watch and enjoy!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Moving house in Japan? Full service ensured
Moving house is a terrible chore. I read a Top 10 list of activities which one must not endure three of in any given 12 months or it will cause irreparable damage to the psyche. One of which is moving house (others include major life changes like divorce or break up and what not). After seeing this, I think that list needs to be cut down to a Top 9. You can't possibly get stressed with this kind of full service house moving. To be seen to be believed!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Thank you, Roger Ebert
Here's one of the few who could wield words in such a fashion to cement himself without a doubt in the "legendary" status. Roger Ebert passed away today, aged 70, after undergoing treatment for a recurrence of cancer that plagued him since 2002.
Amongst his many accolades are a Pulitzer Prize for movie criticism and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - the first film critic ever to receive such an honour from the industry in 2005.
For years, his is the only review I would bother reading, not only because I enjoy his style, but whatever he says about a movie somehow always resonates with my own thoughts.
His passing leaves a gap that cannot, and I dare say, will not be filled in the movie criticism business.
Here's a quote from his recent blog entry published by BBC News:
Thank you for the hours and hours of pure reading enjoyment.
Image Source:
Amongst his many accolades are a Pulitzer Prize for movie criticism and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - the first film critic ever to receive such an honour from the industry in 2005.
For years, his is the only review I would bother reading, not only because I enjoy his style, but whatever he says about a movie somehow always resonates with my own thoughts.
His passing leaves a gap that cannot, and I dare say, will not be filled in the movie criticism business.
Here's a quote from his recent blog entry published by BBC News:
"It really stinks that the cancer has returned and that I have spent too many days in the hospital. So, on bad days I may write about the vulnerability that accompanies illness. On good days, I may wax ecstatic about a movie so good it transports me beyond illness."Once again, he's right. Movies are not about how much money is spent making it and how much money goes into the pockets of the execs. Movies are about transporting its audience from their mundane and, sometimes, painfully unhappy lives, into a world of fantasy where dreams come true.
Thank you for the hours and hours of pure reading enjoyment.
Image Source:
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Oh, Mario...!
This only works at the castle. It's really not cool to ruin Armstrong's moment, Mario!
Source: Daily Riot
Source: Daily Riot
Monday, April 1, 2013
Life before Instagram
I must paint what I'm eating right now! I bet these poor early pioneers of social sharing often ate cold dinners.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
What goes through your mind in elevators?
Do you ever just jump in an elevator and not think about any of these things?
Source: The Doghouse Diaries
Source: The Doghouse Diaries
Friday, March 29, 2013
RC Faraday Cage Copter
That was a mouthful. Just watch this video of a flying faraday cage around a RC Quadrotor as it flies near some tesla coils. Wow!
Source: teslauniverse
Source: teslauniverse
Thursday, March 28, 2013
The truth about group projects
Funny thing I cam across today on 4chan's Facebook page (see image). It's not always the case I guess, but it's not far from the truth. Also fits in quite nicely with a very lengthy and in-depth article I read on the BBC News website today about open-plan offices.
Do open-plan offices really lend to a more productive atmosphere? Of course there's going to be a lot more discussions and impromptu micro-meetings. But it also means you have to put up with the general office chatter (what someone watched on TV last night, their kids...) and the inescapable loud mouth shouting down the phone every time she picks it up.
I found this bit particularly stark and resonating:
Honestly, I don't think the benefit outweighs the cons on this one. But you be the judge.
BBC News article is available here
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Do open-plan offices really lend to a more productive atmosphere? Of course there's going to be a lot more discussions and impromptu micro-meetings. But it also means you have to put up with the general office chatter (what someone watched on TV last night, their kids...) and the inescapable loud mouth shouting down the phone every time she picks it up.
I found this bit particularly stark and resonating:
"But the many millions of people working in this kind of open-plan office today know that there is such a thing as too much communication. Proximity to our colleagues makes it easier to have a spontaneous micro-meeting, but it also means we have to sit through their deconstruction of the previous night's TV, or their shouting matches with teenage children over the phone."
Honestly, I don't think the benefit outweighs the cons on this one. But you be the judge.
BBC News article is available here
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Are programmers aliens or users just apes?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Google Glass vs. Apple iWatch
Google is most definitely going to make their Glass product. iWatch in the meantime is still part of the rumour mill. Still, never too late to joke about the two until they either become reality or relegated into the abyss.
Source: Joy of Tech/Geeks are Sexy/Gizmodo
Source: Joy of Tech/Geeks are Sexy/Gizmodo
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Minas Tirith sandcastle
Oh wow! This is just incredible and it's made out of sand...! The beach must've been boring as hell that day.
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Buckaroojoe
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Buckaroojoe
Vettel back on top step of podium
![]() |
Mark Webber shows his anger (finger gesture) |
Highlight of the race: Hamilton forgot he changed teams and went back to McLaren for a pit stop today, before being denied service and heading to his new team in shame (and an extra 6 seconds to his stop). His Mercedes team mate Rosberg is left fuming after having a heated argument with team boss Ross Brawn during the last 5 laps to pass a fuel saving Hamilton.
Watch Hamilton's pit fail here:
Saturday, March 23, 2013
North Korea has "great human rights"
... Or so they indignantly claimed after the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva decided to set up a commission to investigate "grave, widespread and systematic" violations of human rights in North Korea. According the the isolated, authoritarian state, it has one of the best systems worldwide for protecting citizens' rights. Alrighty then.
Honestly, I don't want Kim-what's-his-face to send one of his always working and super efficient bombs through my letterbox, but this was really a good laugh to start off my weekend.
Honestly, I don't want Kim-what's-his-face to send one of his always working and super efficient bombs through my letterbox, but this was really a good laugh to start off my weekend.
Friday, March 22, 2013
How life changed from childhood
Does this scene look familiar? When you were young, you always wanted a few more minutes on that SNES (or PS or Xbox if you're younger). These days, you just want to ditch your computer for bed and give the finger to all that work you still need to do. Ironic isn't it... There's a lot more where this came from so click through here.
Source: Geeks are Sexy/College Humour
Source: Geeks are Sexy/College Humour
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fun science: Spinning Match
How do you make a match spin? Well, this video show how, and how science can be really fun. Want to know how this all works? Click through the break to find out.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Snow, now...
This is so true! Snow is so annoying nowadays. No fun at all...
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Brian @ Shoeboxblog
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Brian @ Shoeboxblog
Saturday, March 16, 2013
LED submerged in liquid nitrogen is awesome!
This is freakishly cool! Dropping LED light into liquid nitrogen, which ends up changing the colour the light from orange to yellow to green! Looks a bit like Sauron's eye for some reason too...
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Matthew Rollings
Source: Geeks are Sexy/Matthew Rollings
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The bystander effect
This doesn't just apply to IT companies departments I think. I'm pretty sure I've seen this happen on daily things. The lesson here? Don't copy every Tom, Dick and Harry in all your mundane emails! Target the right person to get things fixed and done properly. Firing random mails to random people will just end up... Well... Like this!
Source: Geeks are Sexy/CommitStrip
Source: Geeks are Sexy/CommitStrip
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Simplest History of the World, ruined by YouTube
It doesn't get simpler than this. And this version of the History of the World isn't too ridiculous either. Sad to see where we are in the present though... Can we please try to avoid these cat videos (I've never bothered watching any, btw) to bring our collective self respect up a little in the next hundred years or so?
Source: Huffington Post
Source: Huffington Post
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Toyota flashmob in Geneva
Hostesses (and hosts) from the Toyota stand in Geneva take of their heels (and shoes) for some fun after the first two Press Days of the annual motor show. Great way to have fun and relax after two long days!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Saw this on 4chan's Facebook page a little while back. It had me clutching my stomach in laughter induced pain. Happy Monday!
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Dodging shadow, chasing sun
It's pretty gloomy again where I am after a nice toasty week of temperatures hitting as high (!) as 17°C. This video from Toyota, filmed on location in Cape Town, featuring their cabriolet concept of the GT86, called the FT-86 Open concept is one to lift the mood! The premise is simple. It's blisteringly hot. You've got a beautiful open top. What would you do next?
Source: Toyota Europe
Source: Toyota Europe
Saturday, March 9, 2013
New Star Trek trailer!
This is Star Trek? Jaw-droppingly incredible! I think we're riding the wave of a new golden age of cinema. Between this and Iron Man 3... What a year it's going to be!
Source: Mashable
Source: Mashable
Shiver! Iron Man 3 Theatrical Trailer!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah
Is it just me or is this animated GIF very addictive to look at but feels really weird once you start looking at it for a while?
Source: Geeks are Sexy/TDW/Patakk
Source: Geeks are Sexy/TDW/Patakk
Friday, March 8, 2013
How I Met Your Mother, Star Wars edition
Sunday, March 3, 2013
It's a sandwich, Jim...
But not as we know it! It's not exactly what you'd expect a sandwich to be. Since bread can't be used in space in case the crumbling effect gets a bit mess, they've had to make use of a substitute. Have a look at this video to see how astronauts make sandwiches in space!
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Only way to celebrate winning an Oscar
This was the scene scooped by Taiwanese news agencies after this year's Oscars when Ang Lee won his third statue and second for Best Director. What a way to celebrate a momentous win by munching on an In-N-Out burger!
Friday, March 1, 2013
"It's a bird! It's a plane!"
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Honest movie trailers: Skyfall
Did you know that Gollum, Voldemort and Santa are all in the newest Bond movie? I didn't until I watched this!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Hot nickel in water? New video
Last time, it was a hot ball of nickel in a block of ice. This time, have a look at what happens when you drop a red hot ball of nickel into water. Hint: a bit boring in the beginning, gets much more interesting towards the end!
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Monday, February 25, 2013
30 years of Super Mario
This infographic-ish type thing is really awesome if you love Mario. Honestly, who doesn't?
Source: Geeks are Sexy/PICSVICS
Source: Geeks are Sexy/PICSVICS
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Rudest places on Earth
Finally! There's no need to sit in front of Google Maps to try find the rudest place names on the planet (and giggle to oneself). There's now an awesome interactive map (Google Map-esque) called "Vaguely Rude Place Names Of The World". Click on the link here and have a giggle yourself!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Join Toyota at Le Mans
Earlier this week, Toyota announced an intriguing new competition for two fans of Toyota Racing to join the team at Le Mans this year. They're looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about Toyota Racing and the revolutionary TS030 HYBRID prototype race car. Both criteria are not hard since the team showed up at Le Mans last year and really made an impression then went on to win three races in the FIA World Endurance Championship. Check out Toyota Europe Blog for more information.
Mr Bean's £900,000 McLaren F1 bill
The bill for Mr Bean's August 2011 McLaren F1 crash repairs recently surfaced. The figure is a mammoth £900,000! The insurers cite the use of carbon fibre in the construction and gold heat shield in the engine bay as reasons for hiking the repair cost. Read more on GTSpirit.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Preventing car theft in the US
This surely is the best, if not the only way to prevent your car being stolen in the US! (Sorry to Americans, but this isn't far from the truth)
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Source: 4chan (Facebook)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Burger King Twitter hacked
Here's a funny one today. It seems @BurgerKing Twitter account was hacked. And it's now called "McDonald's" ironically. Go visit the Twitter account and see the sometimes funny, sometimes rather messed up things being posted.
J. J. Abrams goes to the "dark side"

Source: Bob Thiele Art
Sunday, February 17, 2013
If social was real life...
There's no hiding from it. In reality, all those pictures of lunches and dinners you've ever posted on social media would look exactly like this in reality. This, of course, also applies to status updates of absolutely mundane things that we generally wouldn't shout about around 20 years ago. Brave new world we're living in huh?
Moral of the story? Don't post pics of your food... It's bad table manners anyway (note to self: quickly delete all pics tagged with #foodporn immediately!)
Source: Geeks are Sexy
Moral of the story? Don't post pics of your food... It's bad table manners anyway (note to self: quickly delete all pics tagged with #foodporn immediately!)
Source: Geeks are Sexy
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