
Sunday, March 31, 2013

What goes through your mind in elevators?

Do you ever just jump in an elevator and not think about any of these things?

Source: The Doghouse Diaries

Friday, March 29, 2013

RC Faraday Cage Copter

That was a mouthful. Just watch this video of a flying faraday cage around a RC Quadrotor as it flies near some tesla coils. Wow!

Source: teslauniverse

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The truth about group projects

Funny thing I cam across today on 4chan's Facebook page (see image). It's not always the case I guess, but it's not far from the truth. Also fits in quite nicely with a very lengthy and in-depth article I read on the BBC News website today about open-plan offices.

Do open-plan offices really lend to a more productive atmosphere? Of course there's going to be a lot more discussions and impromptu micro-meetings. But it also means you have to put up with the general office chatter (what someone watched on TV last night, their kids...) and the inescapable loud mouth shouting down the phone every time she picks it up.

I found this bit particularly stark and resonating:

"But the many millions of people working in this kind of open-plan office today know that there is such a thing as too much communication. Proximity to our colleagues makes it easier to have a spontaneous micro-meeting, but it also means we have to sit through their deconstruction of the previous night's TV, or their shouting matches with teenage children over the phone."

Honestly, I don't think the benefit outweighs the cons on this one. But you be the judge.

BBC News article is available here

Source: 4chan (Facebook)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Google Glass vs. Apple iWatch

Google is most definitely going to make their Glass product. iWatch in the meantime is still part of the rumour mill. Still, never too late to joke about the two until they either become reality or relegated into the abyss.

Source: Joy of Tech/Geeks are Sexy/Gizmodo

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Minas Tirith sandcastle

Oh wow! This is just incredible and it's made out of sand...! The beach must've been boring as hell that day.

Source: Geeks are Sexy/Buckaroojoe

Vettel back on top step of podium

Mark Webber shows his anger (finger gesture)
So, another Malaysian Grand Prix and some more rain again. Vettel is back on the top step of the podium stole the top step of the podium from team mate Mark Webber. It appears the poor Aussie was told to conserve his car, turning down his engine mappings to finish the race for Red Bull Racing P1 and P2. As he did that, his German team mate decided it's a good time to take advantage and steal the victory. Plenty of harsh and stern words during the post-race interview and all media interviews after... Looks like the Dream Team is shattered!

Highlight of the race: Hamilton forgot he changed teams and went back to McLaren for a pit stop today, before being denied service and heading to his new team in shame (and an extra 6 seconds to his stop). His Mercedes team mate Rosberg is left fuming after having a heated argument with team boss Ross Brawn during the last 5 laps to pass a fuel saving Hamilton.

Watch Hamilton's pit fail here:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

North Korea has "great human rights"

... Or so they indignantly claimed after the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva decided to set up a commission to investigate "grave, widespread and systematic" violations of human rights in North Korea. According the the isolated, authoritarian state, it has one of the best systems worldwide for protecting citizens' rights. Alrighty then.

Honestly, I don't want Kim-what's-his-face to send one of his always working and super efficient bombs through my letterbox, but this was really a good laugh to start off my weekend.

Friday, March 22, 2013

How life changed from childhood

Does this scene look familiar? When you were young, you always wanted a few more minutes on that SNES (or PS or Xbox if you're younger). These days, you just want to ditch your computer for bed and give the finger to all that work you still need to do. Ironic isn't it... There's a lot more where this came from so click through here.

Source: Geeks are Sexy/College Humour

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fun science: Spinning Match

How do you make a match spin? Well, this video show how, and how science can be really fun. Want to know how this all works? Click through the break to find out.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Snow, now...

This is so true! Snow is so annoying nowadays. No fun at all...

Source: Geeks are Sexy/Brian @ Shoeboxblog

Saturday, March 16, 2013

LED submerged in liquid nitrogen is awesome!

This is freakishly cool! Dropping LED light into liquid nitrogen, which ends up changing the colour the light from orange to yellow to green! Looks a bit like Sauron's eye for some reason too...

Source: Geeks are Sexy/Matthew Rollings

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The bystander effect

This doesn't just apply to IT companies departments I think. I'm pretty sure I've seen this happen on daily things. The lesson here? Don't copy every Tom, Dick and Harry in all your mundane emails! Target the right person to get things fixed and done properly. Firing random mails to random people will just end up... Well... Like this!

Source: Geeks are Sexy/CommitStrip

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Simplest History of the World, ruined by YouTube

It doesn't get simpler than this. And this version of the History of the World isn't too ridiculous either. Sad to see where we are in the present though... Can we please try to avoid these cat videos (I've never bothered watching any, btw) to bring our collective self respect up a little in the next hundred years or so?

Source: Huffington Post

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toyota flashmob in Geneva

Hostesses (and hosts) from the Toyota stand in Geneva take of their heels (and shoes) for some fun after the first two Press Days of the annual motor show. Great way to have fun and relax after two long days!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Saw this on 4chan's Facebook page a little while back. It had me clutching my stomach in laughter induced pain. Happy Monday!

Source: 4chan (Facebook)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dodging shadow, chasing sun

It's pretty gloomy again where I am after a nice toasty week of temperatures hitting as high (!) as 17°C. This video from Toyota, filmed on location in Cape Town, featuring their cabriolet concept of the GT86, called the FT-86 Open concept is one to lift the mood! The premise is simple. It's blisteringly hot. You've got a beautiful open top. What would you do next?

Source: Toyota Europe

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Star Trek trailer!

This is Star Trek? Jaw-droppingly incredible! I think we're riding the wave of a new golden age of cinema. Between this and Iron Man 3... What a year it's going to be!

Source: Mashable

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah

Is it just me or is this animated GIF very addictive to look at but feels really weird once you start looking at it for a while?

Source: Geeks are Sexy/TDW/Patakk

Friday, March 8, 2013

How I Met Your Mother, Star Wars edition

Funny one from 4chan on Facebook. Image a Star Wars version of HIMYM!

Source: 4chan (Facebook)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's a sandwich, Jim...

But not as we know it! It's not exactly what you'd expect a sandwich to be. Since bread can't be used in space in case the crumbling effect gets a bit mess, they've had to make use of a substitute. Have a look at this video to see how astronauts make sandwiches in space!

Source: Geeks are Sexy

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Only way to celebrate winning an Oscar

This was the scene scooped by Taiwanese news agencies after this year's Oscars when Ang Lee won his third statue and second for Best Director. What a way to celebrate a momentous win by munching on an In-N-Out burger!

Friday, March 1, 2013

"It's a bird! It's a plane!"

What can you say but... "Hahahahaha!"

Source: Dorkly Bits